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Compliance Documentation

This product is regulated as hemp under the 2018 Farm Bill and California Industrial Hemp laws and regulations. The terms "cannabis" and "hemp" receive specific treatment depending on statutory construction at the State or Federal level. Regardless of designation, both cannabis and hemp are sourced from the same genus and species - Cannabis sativa L. "Hemp" is generally defined as an agricultural product derived from Cannabis sativa L with less than .3% THC.The essential oil product has no detectable cannabinoids, specifically THC and fits within the regulatory definition of hemp.

Test Results

4mg Tart Lime:

Batch PTL-001: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL-002: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL-003: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL-004: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1322: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL05: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1454: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL06: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1472: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PLTL08312024: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1521: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1547: Tart Lime 4mg

Batch PTL 1557: Tart Lime 4mg

4mg Crisp Ginger:

Batch PCG-001: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG-002: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG-003: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG-004: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PFCG08012024: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG - 20240820-002: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG1421: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG2474: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG05: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG06: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG 1463: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG 1536: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG07: Crisp Ginger 4mg

Batch PCG08: Crisp Ginger 4mg

4mg Juicy Grapefruit:

Batch PGF-001: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PGF-002: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PGF-003: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch GF1354: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PJGF-08012024: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PGF04: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PJG1471: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PJG 1512: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

Batch PGF05: Juicy Grapefruit 4mg

10mg Tart Lime:

Batch PTP-01: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP-02: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP-03: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTL 1524: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP 1533: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP04: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP05: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP 1602: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP 1585: Tart Lime 10mg

Batch PTP06: Tart Lime 10mg

10mg Crisp Ginger:

Batch PCP-01: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP-02: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP2: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCG 1518: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 1539: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 03: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP04: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 1577: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 1641: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 1583: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP 1586: Crisp Ginger 10mg

Batch PCP05: Crisp Ginger 10mg

10mg Juicy Grapefruit:

Batch PJP-01: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJP02: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJG 1525: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PGJ 1541: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJP 1584: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJP 1554: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJP03: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg

Batch PJP04: Juicy Grapefruit 10mg